Urinary Incontinence

Urinary incontinence or overactive bladder (OAB) are common types of incontinence and affects up to 40% of women.It can occur in women after menopause. It is caused by many things.

There are a number of treatments. They include lifestyle changes, drugs that relax the bladder muscle, or surgery. With OAB, your brain tells your bladder to empty – even when it isn’t full. Or the bladder muscles are too active. They contract (squeeze) to pass urine before your bladder is full.

Stress incontinence is leaking of urine with activity, coughing or sneezing. Currently there are no FDA approved medicines to treat SUI yet, but there are things you can do. Lifestyle changes, weight loss ,vaginal and urethral devices, pads, and even surgery are other ways to manage SUI   If you are  postmenopausal,  a breast cancer survivor, or have had a hysterectomy you may have incontinence due to a decrease in estrogen. A treatment with  MonaLisa Touch may offer relief. The MonaLisa Touch is a   laser therapy that regenerates vaginal tissue  and promotes new collagen growth.