Elite MPX™ to Reduce Unwanted Hair

Have you grown tired of constantly shaving and waxing away unwanted hair? It can be painful and time consuming, but removing unwanted hair can be much easier. Elite MPX laser hair removal treatments work to reduce unwanted hair without all the hassle that comes along with traditional hair removal methods.

How does laser hair removal work?

The Elite MPX uses light-based laser energy to target hair follicles that are responsible for hair growth. Since this laser hair removal treatment can only treat hair that is in an active stage of growth, multiple sessions may be needed for desired results. Elite MPX laser hair reduction does not harm the surrounding skin and is ideal for:

  • Face
  • Underarms
  • Chest
  • Back
  • Bikini
  • Legs

Find out if Laser Hair Removal is right for you.

What to expect during hair reduction treatment

Each hair removal treatment lasts 5-30 minutes and we typically recommend multiple sessions for complete hair removal. You should see a gradual decrease in the thickness and amount of hair in the area being treated. Elite MPX laser hair reduction is considered to be of low discomfort, so you can return to your daily activities immediately, no downtime needed.

Call today to learn more about reducing unwanted hair without the need to shave or wax!